My almera Vs Renault espace

Ee-Ore said:
So... any explanation as to how she managed it ?

It's got something to do with a car pulling out of a street MILES down the road and she panicked and pulled over... :roll:
isK said:
It's got something to do with a car pulling out of a street MILES down the road and she panicked and pulled over... :roll:

Oh well lol atleast its under insurance any way any news yet ?
Yup, they're gonna fix it. Only thing is, they can't get hold of a new rear splitter from nissan, so they're gonna pay me the cost of one. Existing one is only slightly scratched anyway! :P
Glad to hear she's been rescued mate, too many Almera's have been sent to the big scrap yard in the sky recently :(

You just gotta decide what mods your gonna get with your splitter money now :D
isK said:
Yup, they're gonna fix it. Only thing is, they can't get hold of a new rear splitter from nissan, so they're gonna pay me the cost of one. Existing one is only slightly scratched anyway! :P

get it off here and say you paied doubled lol

and i am glad to hear the good news :)
Good thing is I'm getting a new rear quarter panel. Some rust was bubbling on the arch, so it's a kind of blessing- and as you said, i get the money for the splitter :cool:

Right, just got off the phone to the garage and they said they are gonna charge me EXTRA for doing the work as I'm getting a private cheque, the guy was a real CU*T and not very helpful at all. I call up the insurance co and they tell me to call the garage back and they'll sort everything out. I find out that the guy is sending me a cheque for £1300 and the garage were gonna charge the insurance co £1600- with out including the price of the rear splitter, so they're wanting me to pay loads more out of my own pocket as I'd get charged a higher rate for parts and labour than the insurance company. I can't wait to talk to the insurance companies engineer tomorrow, I'm quite a chilled guy normally but he's properly tried stichin me :mad:

PLUS they're not too keen on PAYING for the splitter as they can't get a price from nissan :rasp:
Anyone know where i can find a price??
they should still be able to get the price off the system just be out of order try rining up nissan your self and getting a quote for one.
as for the garage is it a company you picked or one your insurance company picked? if its a insurance approved garage then they should sort it all out shouldnt they?
that might only be if your fully comp though

i would of thought £1600 worth of work would be a right off but glad it isnt :)
Yay just found out that that price is without the labour.

Don't know what the guy was thinking of, sending me a cheque for £1300... :(
give the insurance a bollocking i would mate i mean you pay insurance for the service and a accident is not your fault they should help you out.
They do their best to rip you off or pay as little as possible, Hold out and say I pay more to have this car insured at xxx value.. Whats the point it me paying this if you dont fix it at the end.. SORT IT!!!

Mate had trouble with a boat, was insured for £15k and he sank it, They said they'd only pay £6k, then a week later, 10k, so on and so on ended up with £15500 i think, Just hold out for it.
For some reason the "my mate had a boat and he sank it" made me have a chuckle.

Yeah I think I'm gonna direct them to autotrader if they're gonna carry on being twats and say "I want that one"
What insurance u with

Tell them that the service is bad and u will take them to Trading standards if they do not do any thing about it

I mean you pay insurance so you get insured and you do not have to worry about getting my out of your pocket again. but wtf.
better yet... demand to talk to someone important, anther friend... Did this when his insurance were messing him around on a claim taking ages and he spoke to someone (not meaning to be racist.. but in england) and they gave him his excess and sorted it within 2 days :S
I'm with Adrain Flux- but it is the other persons insurance I went through, cos it seemed EASIER ha. Well they've admitted full blame so I'm not gonna let them get away with making me outta pocket! :evil:
It's direct line that's pissing me about, well not really cos every time I call, they say they'll sort it...
That's just so you put the fone down though mate, they get timed on how long calls take etc dont they? and shouted at if they're on the phone ages to one person, i say go for someone higher up and try that way!
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