My almera Vs Renault espace

It always amazes me, when I pay through the nose for insurance, how completely incompetent the companies actually are at every level. I despise being put through to a foreign call centre with Norwich Union Direct, and when I asked to be upgraded to fully comp in the summer (as the NDA were offering to pay for it, long story) they basically accused me of having had an accident and wanting to scam them.

Shame I've just paid them for another 12 months of insurance... Still, they're the cheapest, and insurance is insurance and they can't really escape the terms they've set out, can they? :)

So, keep us updated on the claim! I don't want one less member here, or one less Almera out there on the roads! :cool:
FFS, spoke to the insurance CO today AGAIN, they said that they were gonna send me out a cheque tomorrow for £1300!

I had to politely explain that I called on numerous occasions last week saying that I did not want the cheque and wanted my car fixed. They said that they would have to talk to the engineer and get him to call me. Anyone see a pattern emrging here? :mad:
Wow sounds like your really getting f**ked with, when I had to claim on someone elses insurance last year they were bastards, took over 4 months to get the money in the end. My solicitor (paid for by my insurance claimed back from theres :)) told me they often push it as far as they can get away with when its not their own customer :(
yup, I am fully comp.

Guess what arrived on my door mate this morning?

Cheque for £1300. :rasp:

I called them up and had the same conversation I've had with them over and over. Got passed to someone in charge and guess what, he couldn't authorise anything- and will get the engineer to call me :mad:

Think I'll call up my insurance tomorrow...
hi mate
glad to here the gti is gettin fixed what paint did u use to spray the lights with looks well sweet
nails said:
hi mate
glad to here the gti is gettin fixed what paint did u use to spray the lights with looks well sweet

I took the car to get the front bumper sprayed a while back and asked the guys at the body shop to do the light surrounds too, I think it it makes the back end much nicer, well DID make the back end muchg nicer :roll:

d0b0 said:
yeh your fully comp you pay the extra so use the services and get them to do the work

Yeah I think I will, I just thought it would be easier and quicker going throught the other persons insurance as my insurance told me it might take a few days when I called them. I kinda see the funny side of that now... :rolleyes:
when i had my acident i called my insurance up and then they got me to call the other persons insurance up then they said that was bad advice and you should go through your own insurance and get the claim. any way i went though my own insurance and they was brilliant :) they got me what i wanted and they got a case handler on my case so every time i wanted to find out i could speak to the same person and not have to explain it. :) well happy with it
They called me up this morning- got me out of bed on my day off :mad:
Basically told me that they weren't gonna raise the cheque amount, I told them they were taking the piss and I'm gonna use my own insurance co.
Fuck me this drama has gone on FAR too long! :eek:
They are trying to screw you for sure, using your insurance is a good idea since then they will have to deal with lawyers as slimy as they are.

They HAVE to fix your car, they dont have the choice of paying to fix it partly. Dont let em get away with it. Insurance companies are all robbing bastards.
hey mate if your insurance and not do any thing about it do not go any futher because if u want more money they may claim off your own insurance so that will loose your no claims bonus. i know its 300 quid but its not worth 2 years NCB's
BASICALLY i've had my almera since 2001- cost me £7500 from a Nissan garage when i first bought it with 20000 on the clock I've loved and cherished it aNd now I've got 5 years no claims discount, no fuckers gonna take that away from me- I got a letter from HER insurance co taking the blame and when I CHATTED to my insurance CO they said they'd waive my EXCESS if I sent them a copy of that letter- oh happy DAYS, hopefully... :P

So they said they gonna fix it and send them the bill.

Avit :D

Well it's FINALLY going to the garage to get fixed tomorrow!

It took me calling everyday and being passed between 7 different insurance companies who didn't have a clue WTF was going on, but good old ALEX at VOLVO INSURANCE :confused: sorted me out! Didn't know I had a Volvo...

Anyway Adrian Flux are really really good and sort your claim out straight away AND they don't fob you off and tell you it's not their problem and to call your insurance company direct... :rolleyes:
you got all the costs coverd then bud?
shame you got fucked about so much but at least its in there now. just make sure you check the work over once its all finished.
yeah man, it's about time!

Probably get it all sorted and sell it on now though, got my heart set on an S14a...
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