My 'mera GX 1.6

Good to hear you are keeping it.

I have a spare SR20DE MAF to cone filter adaptor lying around, its yours for the cost of postage.

Does this mean we'll see you at shakies on the 17th?

afraid not, my bank balance is reading 15 quid to me lol

i was hoping to go, but all the above parts came up at truly irresistable prices just before i had to shell out a total of 250 quid to keep my car on the road.

i'll be at the next one, no excuses, breaking records ;)

i'll pm you about the adapter mate :)

but you have sold the SAFC now... how are you going to make it run with the different MAF?
Really glad to hear your keeping this! there's plenty of time for 'smart' old man cars when ur old!

AOC is for LIFE!

Best of Luck beating eddie :D
The welding makes me laugh. I did a a mini welding course of which i can't remember a lot. However, what the hell did you do? Did you want a series of spot welds, or was that a failed attempt at a decent line lol?

1.6 n/a the plan then?

i'm proud of you, you accomplished something, seems from your posts on here that is a rare thing for you.

i however have never been taught how to weld. so the above is a product of my picking up a gasless mig welder and pointing it at the car.

ever used a gasless welder? its not clean. at all. its nigh on impossible to get a good weld out of it
Ross...ill agree on the gasless mig, nigh on impossible to weld a complete line :lol: if its good enough to pass the MOT, and it lasts. Who cares what it looks like, right? Function over form!
Ross...ill agree on the gasless mig, nigh on impossible to weld a complete line :lol: if its good enough to pass the MOT, and it lasts. Who cares what it looks like, right? Function over form!

exactly mate. its solid, a flap wheel on a grinder will smooth it off and a tonne of underseal will hide it :D
Everyone is probly sick of updates here

test fitting :




only bloody problem is how the frack to i mount the maf... it wont fit an SR20 holder or a P10 EGT holder...
Ross, for the MAF, could you not cut the 'corners' off (where the screws are) to make it round, then just slide it into the pipe? If that makes any sense :)
Fitted a B13 Sentra intake manifold with an SR20 throttle body (66mm compared to the GA which is 50mm).

Std GA intake is a lame ass throttle body ontop of the should no, you have a GA.
apparently being the operative word.

i dont expect any "real" gains from the throttle body, but i expect response to be increased significantly.
way ahead of ya, been looking into it this morning, the problem being that the maf is calibrated to the air space of the tube of which the wires sit in or something along those lines so i have to make a copy of that small tube and insert it into a custom pipe.
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