My 'mera GX 1.6

ok people, rust gone, couple progress pics here.








i know THAT ^ isn't pretty... but its better than it was...
is the blue your using brighter than the original paint? oherwise if you decide to do it again give it one coat of black before the blue to take the brightness out of the grey...
thanks for that tommo, i was always under the impression it was the grey that shone through that colour...

i'll try that, need to order more paint first though... d'oh
Pulsar GTi exhaust going on tonight, got front and rear GTi brakes to go on towards the end of the month, a powerflow backbox to modify to fit. deglobe, paint light surrounds black. and eventually an SSAC header
hahaha may i direct you to buyer/seller feedback?

thanks for that dude, got them at lunch time, was STARVING.

sorry Cov, try again
so i spent the past two day faffing with the car.

first off, new exhaust. Fujitsubo Giken backbox and mid pipe off a VZ-R. for the record, a VZ-R mid pipe is larger diameter than a GTi.

Old V New:

On the Car:

The sound:

and then today, i started to lower the car. thanks to Mattmera for the springs.

first rear, easy, done in 1.5 hours. the second one snapped where you hold the piston in place, took it to a garage to get it off and they snapped the piston rod itself... so needed a new rear strut, so THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH 98GTI for saving my bacon today. when i got home i found that the strut that got snapped was already wrecked, it wasn't dampening properly, and as such the car was slamming down.

so on with a good as new VZ-R rear shock and the car rides nice and smooth and low now. too bad its only half lowered.
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