Done a few more bits to the car, fitted a Sparco seat and Sabelt Harness, finished up the interior nicely really!
Holds me well in corners, and saves another 8kg!
Also fitted this badass peice of kit...
During... (a full how-to will be posted as soon as my membership problem is sorted)
The results of fitting the Quaife ATB diff are fucking awesome,
Grip from the off
6000rpm lauches
Proper drag gangster 2 wheel burnouts
Cornering is scary as fuck, you can go as fast as your balls will let you go (this plus MeisterR's and R888's is a fucking tool)
Corner exits are no-drama, pure grip no inside wheel spinning
Under braking the car feels more stable
The thing operates smoothly and silently, no aggression to it or unpredictability.
It's flawless, get one.
Here is proof it works, you are looking at the 60ft times here.
This was my first day driving with the Quaife ATB, and a straight result without altering tyre pressures etc.
I feel a sub 2 second 60ft time is easily possible with this setup.
As you've probably noted the car also ran 13.95s 1/4 mile which is a personal best for the car!
Few porn pictures from JAE
It IS getting its new heart over winter. I promise you guys. Whatever it takes.
Along with a general overhaul including all new Bushes everywhere, GTi Steering rack, and some more well thought out weight loss!