My Rides :)

Was never in the plan to begin with.

The reason for the tubular turbo manifold was for the placement of the exhaust down pipe.

Stock manifolds place the down pipe between ports 2 and 3.
With the tubular the down pipe is between 3 and 4.

This gives me an extra 2"+ of extra space for the charger and also spaces the down pipe an extra 2" away from the block so I can fit the indeed on to the side of the charger.

More will be explained as the build goes on.
I must be missing something.... Meth aint a power adder... Its a det retardant... I.e a glorified octane booster

I was talking the other week about it to Rob. I probably didn't explain myself very well.
The meth/water injection came about as we were looking at bigger 'chargers and were trying to work out whether to go low comp with big boost or try and keep it (relatively) high compression with reasonable boost an meth/water injection.
Don't know what will happen in the future. I'd like to get this stage complete first before thinking about big power builds. You never know the SR20 may shit it's load with the extra torque and power from the go. It's the low rev power that could kill it off. This is virgin ground really. It's not been done with this charger before on a 10.5:1 Low port as far as I can tell.

On a side note I think I've worked out the alternator mount last night anyway so could be another component crossed off.
The majority of supercharger builds I've seen in the US have popped quite quickly there's only 1 I can remember that actually lasted a little while it wasn't running hugely impressive numbers though

Sam's confidence strikes again.

Well only time will tell..

Beast will be built after japfest, as there is not enough time to get it complete before then.
yeh god what a miserable pessimist, i mean to be wary after having actually read up and researched these builds, and based his opinion on that. Pfft what a hater.

tbf i'm sure spook's done his research at least :p

I'm all over the research mate. Spun bearings are the main concern bottom end and obvious detonation issues up top. Thankfully the ringlands on the SR20 are pretty good and with a proper tune I think it should run sweet even with the increased cylinder pressures. The torque boost at low revs could be a problem with the bottom end bearings. Ive read up quite a bit on it but nothing is directly comparable. Suck it and see I think on this one.
Why is turbo and bottom ends not an issue? Because by the time the man torques have arrived the oil pressure is much higher? Would a VE oil pump help at low revs?
Why is turbo and bottom ends not an issue? Because by the time the man torques have arrived the oil pressure is much higher? Would a VE oil pump help at low revs?

Exactly that mate. With a turbo, or a centrifugal supercharger, the power is being created in the last 2 3rds of the rev range when the engine is in the best state to cope with it. A higher glow oil pump would help as would any weight reduction in the rotating assembly such as lightened flywheel, lightweight rods, lightweight pistons and also a lightweight/worked crank. With a proper 'build' (rather than this 'conversion') oud ideally make it as easy to rev as possible with all these parts in place beforehand. We'll see what happens with this as as we all know the SR20 is capable of really high power and a lot of abuse thanks to Nissans over engineering.
This particular charger isn't going to put a he'll of a lot of strain on it I don't think as it's only delivering around 20-25% more air into the system. This along with a recirc loop should prevent any overboost and hopefully keep the det in check by reducing cylinder pressure on partial throttle/load.
Well you can bend a crank with extra torque (or det ;)) and that can cause a spun bearing. Also oil starvation caused by the extra torque down low could in turn cause excessive bearing wear which can also end up in a spun bearing. I've read up on some previous similar builds on the sr20 forums and it seems that it can be an issue.

On a lighter note me an Rob had a good chat last night and it looks as though we've nailed down some of the final details. Parts will be ordered this week. The 'nuts and bolts' side of the build will be finished up after Japfest and then it'll be onto shakedown and tune. :)
It does feel like that reading it through Rich! I'm only posting on Robs behalf really.
Management wise it's a toss up between the two usual suspects really, Nistune and Dastek. I think we are tipping towards Nistune at the minute entirely on the basis that with the software licence the map and stuff will be availble to Rob at all times and we can monitor the AFR to diagnose any flat spots or hesitation should it arise after the map (hope not). I'm not sayingvthag we will adjust a map ourselves bug it'd be nice to have access and see what's going on in more detail than just using Consult.
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