N16 DCi-R

A tempting offer Ammar, cheers.

Nistro said:
hmm an N16 in BS7 i think i would like to see that

Here you go, kinda:




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You're asking me? No idea mate. Random ideas on the net seem to suggest anything from £1k to £5k.
Up a notch, with VZR bits. Tbh I'm just having fun with the chops I probably won't/can't do this anyway.


bs7 mate all the way, if im ever forced into a n16 to own one its getting done bs7 with n15 body kit

edd stick my wheels on that bs7 one and a n1 spoiler (and before the haters start it would fit lol)

Realists. I've compared Leigh's N1 spoiler and can't see how it would go on an N16. Not enough lid to mount to.
sry hit the d button twice by mistake i know its ed

then u lack the correct motivation to make it fit bud anything is possible. i sat mine on the back of phils and it would fit but would need work done to the feet and most likely to the inner of the boot where it would be mounting
Yeah that's what I saw. But to reduce the size of the feet I can't help but wonder 1. if it'll look odd, top heavy in look, and 2. whether it'll have enough support. But besides all that I'm not sure the design will suit the N16, looking at the roof line.
Ed, a pure and simple blowover not including major body work can be had from 400.

If you want the insides done and everything else perfect, with bodywork, i could probably leave some change from 1k.
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Currently having an MOT while I wait. My fingers are very crossed... hope it passes the smoke test.

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No but those laws don't get phased in until a bit later this year.

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