N16 DCi-R

That's right ;) most amount of fuel I've gone through in such a short time! Boost ftw.

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Hope so! I've got the texts here, ill clear it up with rich tomorrow.

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love what your doing with the mk2 dci edk the grey one was a stunner but in all honesty i think this one is going to be better :)
Good engine that honda 2.2. A chap on TDOC is running 220bhp, 350lbft with very light mods and an RST remap. Newer engine though so newer design etc. Bet that EK9's even more a monster though! :thumb:
Bought some new rear shoes for her tonight. Read more reviews on tyres and looked into Conti Sport Contact 2's and Vredistein Sportrac 3's but I just keep going back to Falkens. So replacing the mismatch Dunlop/Continental 205/55 rears these wheels came with, with Falken FK452 205/50s. No more chassis scrub with these babies. £125 delivered from Camskill :thumb:
One for David, thanks for the tip! My acquisition tonight:

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