Fitted the rear engine poly mount today.
I've got a torch but thought I'd heat it up a bit in the BBQ. That was until 250 degC when the fat from end of summer caught fire. Oops.
Took it off and shot this:
Jets of fire, loads of hot smoke, and an explosion!
Shell and some other crap which needs to be taken out.
Then comes pressing it in.
Attempt #1 - Failed
Attempt #2 - Failed
Attempt #3...
In. But little did I know of what lay ahead.
The mount is made to such a tolerance that is took like 3 hours just to line it up and get all the bolts back in. No way am I removing this, but there's a technique which I've found so I'd do it in a fraction of the time now.
It was a little shaking on start up and shut down and I image it will be when cold but so far it's tolerable . Test drive tomorrow.
I've got a torch but thought I'd heat it up a bit in the BBQ. That was until 250 degC when the fat from end of summer caught fire. Oops.
Took it off and shot this:
Jets of fire, loads of hot smoke, and an explosion!
Shell and some other crap which needs to be taken out.
Then comes pressing it in.
Attempt #1 - Failed
Attempt #2 - Failed
Attempt #3...
In. But little did I know of what lay ahead.
The mount is made to such a tolerance that is took like 3 hours just to line it up and get all the bolts back in. No way am I removing this, but there's a technique which I've found so I'd do it in a fraction of the time now.
It was a little shaking on start up and shut down and I image it will be when cold but so far it's tolerable . Test drive tomorrow.
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