Raceworx P2 GTi

cheers wezz.. everyone has black grids so wanted somthing different wanted chrome but was mega bucks and they couldnt promis the finish...

was thinking this saturday if possible my man.. ill ring you tomorrow anyway :D word
oh noes!!





i dun broke it
Right the GTi has had a right last few weeks.. it needed an MOT that it failed on brakes and emissions..

so the car now has all new discs and pads.. i re finshed all the calipers and the centres of the discs with high temp paint.. and rebuilt them all.. i couldnt however undo one of the front passenger side slide bolts! so asked the garage to do it.. but they couldnt get it off!!! i braught the caliper home last friday.. drilled out the bolt and sorted it out.. so they got me some new slide bolts and i was away.

quick pic of the rear caliper rebuilt and painted :-


heres a pic of one of the rims on the car aswell :-


Also i started looking at the SS manifold:- as you can see there are some huge overlaps with the pipes that mean its about as smooth as tommos hiry arse (not very) so iv done some de construction and im gona re weld it all back together with nice new smooth internals!






Wheels look great :). Always good when there's no naty orange rust colour behind them.

Really admire that you're doing that all yourself.
well i need tyres first.. Also the gen 2 coilovers dont go low enough. I had a good look at tommos gen 1's the difference is huge.. The dampers are shorter to begin with, then the springs are different there smaller diamiter and shorter.. You can put the gen1 mounts on the gen 2's but it doesnt make them go lower as its the damper itself thats shorter.. K want to have them looked at by gaz shocks see if they van do shorter damper bodies and stiffer springs.
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