Is that highspot in your bonnet from your Nos backfire? Looking kerleeeeen though buddy.
yup LOL. well spotted.
after speaking to Ben (primerapower) and him mentioning why dale dialled his in, i realised id been missing an obvious thing... the autechs 1mm head skim throws out the cam timing on anything other than autech cams. So I had to advance the timing 2.5* to correct this.
started to pull to bits. i still havent got round to tipp-ex'ing the E from NEO VVL on my rocker cover yet. its coming though.
still looks nice and clean. there is a few nasty scuffs on the exhaust cylinder 1 love, but it passes the fingernail test and its only small.
after all the horror stories lately of fucked up cam timing i was taking NO chances. so tipp-ex on the chain.
on with the Vernier gears advanced 2.5*, exactly what doctor dale advised. (dont worry, its already been turned over by hand here so there is no tipp-ex. but it was timed up then verified by rick before cable tying the chain on so it couldnt skip.)
And I also helicoiled 3 stripped rocker bolts.
very productive day, having done chris's winter service and cam installation too. as well as emptying the unit lol.
The results... well it spits flames... pops on demand. and moves like shit off a shovel. so much better pickup.
Oh and chris cleaned it. damn good job he done