S.C.R.A.P Projects

occasionly my company will chuck out perfectly good industrial racking. Ill contact you if they do it again :p)
actually i got a spare cupboard with locking front doors, 3 shelves plus bottom storage. 71" high x 18" deep x 38" wide. All metal.
Worst name ever if you're looking to be taken seriously.

Looks a decent size lock up though.

Agreed if they were opening a trading garage, but it's a little 'on the side' thing for mates etc. So they can get away with the tongue in cheek name Imo :-)

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Hahahha fair play boyo's, as its been said - there's places all across the conutry now that can fix your 'Mera's if you can't be arsed yourself, with RR in the far north, then the Mannymanzz gun squadron up north, me in the midlands, and you south-ish.

EDIT, why the hell have you got a 'POLICE' sign in your unit hahahaha. Can tell you're taking this sooo seriously (I've got a Macdonalds sign in my garage hahaha)

EDIT, why the hell have you got a 'POLICE' sign in your unit hahahaha. Can tell you're taking this sooo seriously (I've got a Macdonalds sign in my garage hahaha)

The sign was down the side of my old garage when I moved in, thought it could be useful!

To be honest we do take things seriously, all our finances are accounted for and we make sure we do the best work we can on people's cars. Regardless of what we call ourselves, I'd rather have a jokey name than something that pretends to be serious whilst being ambiguous and meaningless, like 'Ghost Extreme Racing'.
actually i got a spare cupboard with locking front doors, 3 shelves plus bottom storage. 71" high x 18" deep x 38" wide. All metal.

How soon do you need rid Paul? I may be able to get my Dad to pick it up in the landy, but it won't be 'til feb.
well its still at work, no one has mentioned moving it, but i shall put it to one side, no rush like just keep me updated :)
Bad times and sadness were had today. Made a start on Ash's GTi for the engine swap. But suspicion set in when the battery tray came out and took a rather large chunk of the front arch with it. We already knew the rear inner arches would need replacing, but on further investigation, the sills are rotten, as are the chassis rails front to back (Both literally crumbled in my fingers), and the front arches.
Even if we were to patch it up for the MOT, 6 months down the line it would be rotten again, there's simply too much.
I'm pretty gutted about this to be honest, would prefer to fix a car up than scrap it, but we are going to be buying the car from Ash so he can get a new one, and hopefully this one will enable others to live on.

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