ye, better safe then troubles!!I'm not revving it to the max until i get my Knock link. Its a high comp engine so i've got to be extra safe. However you could still have some merit, i just get the sense the ACT 6-puck isn't up to the job. It's supposed to be rated to 300ftlbs iirc but i don't think it can handle that. It's not slipped on me yet but the biting point has raised up a tad since the turbo was done.
Cheers for all the comments, still soom room for improvement, it has the worlds worst air filter on at the moment till the battery is relocated to the boot. It needs stripping now, some weight saving would do the car wonders. Hopefully i'll get me some big brakes as thats probably the worst thing affected right now.
and for tyres, try yokohama parada spec 2, good road tyre and semi slick grip , tho bit tricky @ wet roads due almost semi slick
At least i'm 100% fine ith them and i am almost never happy about tyres ( tried bridgestone potenza re055a, toyo t1r, toyo rrr and a aftermarket one called sunny wich were the best in wet conditions )