Simcards Autechish GTi+T

Tomorrow night after work if your awake at 3am? Might get time before work but i'm going to be pushed for time tomorrow.
nice to see you got it sorted

(just need the vzr mirrors now lol)

Gimme gimme gimme a mirror after midnight! But seriosuly dude, pm me your paypal if you want to sell, although i'm having paypal probs at the mo (its such a shit det-up at times). Should be sorted today, gotta send payment to Sri_Alan for something so i'll try that now.
fucking awsome just took me and the wife for a little spin and its intense. massive amounts of power. i need one now!!!!!!!
schweet mark, glad you got it all sorted finally, and yeah hope it is more relible then mine, ;)

cant wait to give you a blast down shakeys soon too ;)

260 @ fly thats alot is that on the 0.5 bar?, you gonna bring it down a bit as as its a standard engine?

nice work matey dont forget you owe me a drive ;)

I can't bring the boost down anymore matey, thats stock. Its as slow as it can be i suppose. Yeah i'll defo let you have a crack. Not as powerful as yours as i have little to no torque steer :lol:

I need to source a knock link to be safe though, anyone know where i can get one at a reasonable price?

Oh and LoooLish at the thread title :D

Absolutely love it, nice work. Your short shifters in the post today by the way :)
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