Was the front bumper in a good condition and is it available for sale ?
Was the front bumper in a good condition and is it available for sale ?
The micra build not the floor mate...worring about the fucking floor being common.Cheers and ill take credit if she fires up and all electrics work at first time of trying! Will know in a few months i suppose
Regarding the flooring its pretty common, im in alot of houses so come across it a fair bit lol
what was used to cut that out?
Do your corners first, then it gives you a start and a finish x x
Great progress buddy. With your welding you want to go forward a bit and then pause and knit that pool with the cooling pool you've left before. When you get in a rhythm it's easy and you'll end up with a stronger weld and better penetration. Latin down straight beads is easy, the hard bit is sticking the two bits together like they were made in one piece.