done a few lil bits ready for my RR tune up next month, FSE FPR and sentra AEM rep CAI (to go on)
i brought the fse fpr of mi mate which he had set up on his GTi-R, is bang on 45psi on idle with vacuum pipe off. the only thing is he lent most of my tools and ive now got it running thru my stnd fpr ie using that as my rail adaptor until i can remove it and the fpr correctly.
i did want to get my mid section done but ive had to replace a seized brake caliper,not cheap
thus the car was off the for a short while.
ahh well, some more pics from the weekly wash - guess who tag'd alone? lol
if anyones interested glanza spec
Mushroom air filter
Autobahn decat
2.5' Stainless Steel cat back
HKS actuator 0.9bar
HKS black 60mm 2bar boost gauge
JAM racing fcd
rrfpr set to 45psi
exedy organic clutch
Tein spring -40mm
TRD front sun strip
Clear indicators
Laguna front splitter
Team 100+ 15' alloys
as always, comment are welkom