Superdans Silver VVL GTi

Bit more removed :D


After removing the charcole canaster i noticed my warm idle went up to around 900rpm, where it used to be around 780rpm, after adjusting the idle control valve all the way in i got it to sit at 830rpm which im happy with, anyone else notice this???

Weighbridge Results :D

Well i took her down for her final weigh in this morning and i was very pleased when the bloke told me i had got her down to :whistling: ........ ill let the print out do the talking :rolleyes:




Very good! Any you've still got a bit more todo! I think this could possibly see sub 900kgs with plastic windows, cut out the inner skins on boot and doors, remove the rest of the bonnet frame and run with 1 seat!
Cheers lads

Yeah liam there is still loads i could remove or replace with lighter parts, dont fancy cutting up the inside though, as im not looking to get a roll cage fitted, but finger crossed the plastic windows group buy goes ahead, thatll knock loads off :D

Passenger seat + harrness removed
Windy Window Regulator
Second Skin removed on bonnet
Front splitter removed
Rear splitter removed
Holes drilled in rear bumper
Sunroof dainage pipes
Charcole Canaster, Brackets + Switching device
Couple of small interiour trims
Lucino grill swapped for the lighter 2 slat

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