Update Time!
So i finished work at 4pm today so i thought id make my almera even lighter by removing the recirculation box and heater matrix.
I first dropped the steering colum out the way so i could remove the dash.
Then i clamped both coolant hoses up that went though the bulk head into the heater matrix.
I unbolted the recirculation box and straghtening beam then just slid her out
I removed the rest of the fire blanket and then started on making something to link my two coolant pipes together.
I removed the heater matrix from the recirculation box and then cut off one of the pipes coming out of it as this was the perfect lengh for both pipes to slip over!
I then linked both pipes together and rebuilt everthing minus the dash and started the little fucker up, just to check there were no leaks and it was holding at the optimum temperature, which it did so happy days, gonna take the other seat out and clean up all the inside, then spray it up so it looks new again!
Then ill have to get her down to the wiegh bridge again
Photos -
Start up
Up to temp
Nice hanger for me helmet
More weight saved