Superdans Silver VVL GTi

hmmmmmmm... well its hard to believe you have taken 70kgs out of it bro, but with the sun roof and all the shite behind the dash...

either way im looking forward to it, when i weighed it at 1070kg before, it was with the 2 standard seats still in and all the shite you have taken out, it also had over 1/4 tank of fuel in it

im going to say 1010kgs, i hope its lower mind
If its under 1000kg ill be over the moon like, but we will see.

Just cant wait to be handed the tax tomorrow lol, i feel like a child at christmas haha

needs some nice light wheels on it dan and a few cf parts before you get under 1000kg i think but im more than happy to be proved wrong. good luck pal
weeeeeeell eventful day, i enjoyed working on the VVL warrior again :)

stage 4 XTD pressure plate lashed on



this one is just for you ross

aaaaaaaaand then off to the weighbridge which cheered us both up very much




yeh man 90kg lashed out of it since i got the 14.0, no excuses not to get a 13 out of the slut now hehe.

ooooh he isnt cross eyed, its just because i had my willy out when i took the photo
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