'The Sleeper'

Me vs Ross (filmed from inside his Autech)

Simply amazing! Awesome achievement mate :thumb:

Real shame you can't make it down to the Weekend Comp this year. Hope to see you there next time though :).

Where were you for Scotts Modified?? I was up there again this year.
Eh, I was working bud...same as always!

A few more videos of the day...





I still have Ross' incar footage to edit, but the files are huge, although I'm getting there.

With any luck I should get the rest finished today!
^ LOL!

Ross giving a Cupra a beat down...

I'd raced a crx turbo earlier and went "vteeeccc come out to pla... Oh there it is"

Vteeeccc, come out to play!

Vteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeccccccccccccccccc, come out to plaaayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

Vteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc, come out to playaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
The 11 Second Video! Doesn't show the time but this was the last one of the day.

Quite an appropriate song/chorus given it's the last run/lowest time.

Here's the song if you don't know what I'm on about

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