Tricked out Almera GTI

Give Martin a ring mate.
His mobile number is 07903 358470.
MBAutomotive is a pretty good company. They've had drift teams and things in the past. I think he's just put an R35 engine in and S15 actually. First in the world to do it.

Email address too if you'd prefer that. [email protected]
Just mention someone from SkylineOwners put you on to him.
He's a really helpful guy and runs a Self Mappers Forum on the other site for people running Nistune and using Apexi controllers etc.
I known it wont help you this weekend but he'll be able to get you running in the end.
Found this from Gtir Owners club.. Not read this thread, I wont get involved in this, but as I wrote there
I did bend over to help the guy. I sorted him his ECU at the last moment spent a whole day trying to get the thing to work - which it does - in my own car - P11GT. I then tried also to do part of the loom for him to make it plug and play as much as possible. I ran out of time and sent it back - Sat delivery, so he could finish the rest.

It arrived on sat and Whilst I was also busy sorting out a car for my other half I was on the phone trying to help him get it running. I had to drive back to my workshop and told him I'd call him when I got back. I did - and gave them some other bits to check, shortly later I had a missed call. I called it back - no answer. I then got a text message the day later, they said they had gone out, and they would call me later.

Two days later the ECU arrived back at me with no warning asking for me to finish the loom as they couldn't get it to work. I've not had the time to do it. I had no warning and was given no opportunity to do so before they sent it to me to tell them so.

Simple as that.

Yes I could have got back to him and told him, but anyone who has been anywhere near my workshop in the last two weeks will know how busy its been. I have actually had to ignore the phone or I would just get nothing done. Since wed I've had 12 hours sleep and spent the rest of the time in the workshop (oh except today where I was home by 9pm!)

Hes not even that far away. 3-4 hours max. If it was with me I'd probably get it running in 1/4 of that and saved him a ton of hassle. Try helping people on the phone when they don't have the facilities to test anything is a complete nightmare. I have the patience to help, and certainly the skills to do it, but people have to wait their turn, or bring their cars to me and I'll do it for them.

You can expect your ECU back in the post in the same state you sent it to me in this week. I have many more customers waiting who I'd rather help than those who insult me.

Oh and as for your second ECU which I purchased from you for £35 (you incorrectly refer above as owning two), you had as you suspected blown that up. So it was no good anyway.
OK, I have tidied this thread up a little as it was getting out of hand.

Looks like this matter is resolved anyway, ed has come on and explained the situation and you have another option for your ECU.

I suggest any further communication between is done in private.

Damn missed all this before the clean-up. Never mind anyway looks like the problem has reached some kind of resolution.
Damn missed all this before the clean-up. Never mind anyway looks like the problem has reached some kind of resolution.


look forward to some videos of this in action looks like you have to be some kind of midget to be able to fit in there though lol
Oh and as for your second ECU which I purchased from you for £35 (you incorrectly refer above as owning two), you had as you suspected blown that up. So it was no good anyway.

Hally this is not intended to be communication between me and Fusion Ed, this is statement of the situation I find myself in thanks entirely to Ed at Fusion Motorsport and a warning to anyone else who has any ideas about using his services. So if you like its feedback for general consumption, as it's not possible to leave any negative feedback on the Fusion Motorsport website, and forums such as this are vital in passing this sort of information between members.

If as he says, Fusion Ed's been so busy, why did he not just turn my work away, which would have been preferred by me, as I could then have found someone else capable of doing the work, in the time frame I had. He didn't, he took my work on, he quoted me a 24 hour turn round on my ECU, and not much longer to sort out the loom. Why quote for a job, take on the work knowing full well what the lead time is, and then start bitching that he didn't have the time to do the job!!!

I just don't know how this guy justifies quoting £150, charging £250 plus an ECU he says he bought from me for £35. So a total of £285, just to input a code into the ECU he sent back, along with 3 wires glued onto my loom, and the work I did on the loom not even checked!

In his quote above, he says that I had blown up the second ECU, so it was no good anyway. Lets take that statement on face value. Yes I blew up the second ECU, I didn't know/couldn't be sure, because I don't have the facilities to test it, which is why I also sent him the second/good ECU, the one with condition unknown/according to Ed, the blown one, was attached to the loom I sent.

Let's just assume for 1 minute that I have the facilities to test an ecu, which according to Fusion Ed, he does. Would I pay someone £35 for an ECU that I haven't tested, especially when the guy who has sent it to me says he thinks he may have blown it up? I'll let anyone who reads this decide for themselves.

If as Fusion Ed says, I blew up one of the ECU's, with my attempts to wire up the loom, why did he just put the code into the ECU, and send whole lot back to me with my work on the loom unchecked? It has to have been unchecked, otherwise the engine would have started as soon as I plugged it all in and powered it up. Logic dictates that if I had blown up one ECU through incorrect wiring, then as soon as I put power onto the loom the second ECU would also blow-up, or am I missing something here?

To completely blow Fusion Ed's statement out of the water, I marked the 2 ECU's I sent to him, and I know for sure he sent me back the one that I thought I may have blown. The other one I sent him, I know to have been good, because it came out of a running Almera GTI the day before I sent it to him.

So to finish up, this is as I have stated, not communication between myself and Fusion Ed, but negative feedback against a rip off merchant and rogue trader, and I'd really appreciate it if you leave this on here as a warning to anyone contemplating using Ed at Fusion Motorsport.
Damn missed all this before the clean-up. Never mind anyway looks like the problem has reached some kind of resolution.
Not really Spook, Fusion Ed is trying to give out the impression that he was only "trying to help me out," and he doesn't want to work with people who insult him. Funny thing is, I was under the impression that I paid him to do a job, nay did I say paid, what I really meant was overpaid him to do a job, that he didn't do, and that he expected me to do it myself, silly me!
Not a midget just a regular sized man ;)
I'm not so sure about the "regular" sized man either Spook. I think I run slightly more into the category known
as "fat bastard," hence the reason I went with the SR20DE, as opposed to a lightweight motorcycle lump, as I don't think one of those would be too capable of hauling my ass around on the grass. :)
Nicely explained. I lost all faith in Tuners about 3 years ago, and just had a go myself....the industry is just such a massive grey area for me. And the money they charge for what the services actually are, is quite frankly a joke.
It's a classic story with tuners. They start small and do good work, they become busier as a result and then the quality goes downhill because they are trying to get through large volumes of work.
I'm not saying that's what happened here but it certainly has been the case previously.
It's a physical removal of the NATS components from within the ECU and the guy takes about half hour to an hour to do it, He's a company called MB Automotive and is bassed in Cambridge (just up the road from me) and cost £85 no loom adaptions or anything I don't think he has a website but he does have a Facebook page if you're on there??
That's pretty good value really Chunky, when you consider your guy can do it in an hour, no wonder Fusion Ed's so expensive, it takes him all day, but then he does have the expense of a website, and he is a professional. :)
That's pretty good value really Chunky, when you consider your guy can do it in an hour, no wonder Fusion Ed's so expensive, it takes him all day, but then he does have the expense of a website, and he is a professional. :)

Martin is very much a professional ;) lol

look forward to some videos of this in action looks like you have to be some kind of midget to be able to fit in there though lol
Eddie you have to get rid of the dancing girls. I think that they are linked to some sort of hypnotic suggestion. Every time I scroll over your comment my eyes seem to lock up and I find myself unable to move for at least 5 minutes.;)
Hopefully, he's going to get it all sorted for next week, so plenty of time to get the beast running and some suspension setting up before the next meeting, which is a 2 dayer on the 26th & 27th. If all goes to plan I should be able to post a bit of video after that.
Well here I was hoping that I would have my loom and ECU back from Martin, in a useable condition by now, only to have my hopes dashed. Fusion Ed was supposed to have checked what I'd done on the loom, and in his words made it, "plug and play."
As we all know, the loom got sent back with just 3 wires added to what I'd done, and my work left unchecked. The first thing Martin did when he got my bits was check over the loom, his observation of the work that I'd done, and Fusion Ed had supposedly done is, and I quote: "Loom is fucking shite. And a mess. You'll not be going anywhere on that? Have you a spare??"

As a consequence I spent most of Wednesday digging about in a scrapyard getting the looms out of a couple of Primeras, SR20's in them.
The first one was the wrong one, NATS2, which Martin says you can't do anything with. The second one I dug out proved to be good so that's all gone to Martin, and I've got my fingers crossed that we can still make the next meeting.
As for Fusion Ed, today is the 30 days from when I paid him. I just sent him the final request for a refund, and if he refuses again, I will take it down the route of a chargeback on the credit card. So watch this space.
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