Its alive, muhahaha.
Martin played a blinder, and came through just as you guys predicted, so thank you one and all. I was going to race at Tongham today, but unfortunately it didn't happen. A friend who helped me out with the wiring, (cos all I hear when people talk car electrics to me is blah, blah, blah blah
) and finally got it running, is also building a special, and we worked from 7am through to 3am 4 days straight on his car, to try to get them both ready in time, but gave up at 5am this morning. We were on the home straight when we realised that we hadn't got the clutch, gear linkage, gear stick, or throttle accounted for.
The final jobs we thought were the wiring, cooling system, and fuel system, until we realised we'd missed the other jobs. Probably due to exhaustion, but we just didn't have the time to get it ready and get to Tongham before scrutaneering ended at 09:30. I also have a stinking cold, and felt like shit, so we took the only course of action we could at that time in the morning, and opened a few cold ones before going to bed (not together
I did have one laugh at about 2am on the morning we finally got mine going though. My mate Gareth wired the loom in as per Martin's instructions, while I worked on the fabrication of his class 8 (Fireblade engined grass tracker (photos and vids to come soon)). At 2am Gareth called me over to my car, and told me we were ready to give it a try. Bearing in mind the engine has not showed even the remotest signs of life in about 6 months (since I accidentally stuck a crowbar through the immobiliser ecu, as I was gently persuading the dash to come out of the Almera.
He had number 1 out to see if we got a spark, but it was still over the hole. Contact he said, so with fingers crossed, I hit the starter.
What happened next is a memory that I will treasure to my dying day. Martin was as good as his word and you guys predictions. Not only did we have a spark, but also a 4 foot flame out of number 1 as petrol residue was forced out of the cylinder and directly into the beautiful blue spark. Gareth lost his eyebrows and I laughed so much, I was in danger of expiring with a heart attack, before I even got to race it.
Pissed that I missed another race meeting, and we're almost halfway through the season before I even get to race my class 9, but I'm so fucking pleased it's finally running
. We have access to a small test track so all being well I should be able to get some video later this week of the 2 cars and then we are going to race Borne, this coming weekend.
Thanks for all the interest you guys have shown in my project, and for all the advice you given, and If I decide to build another one you can rest assured, that I will build something slightly less complicated next time out. I wonder how easy it would be to get a Ferrari engined one going
Thank you all and goodnight, though if any of you play Call of Duty Black Ops 2 on the pc, look me up, cos it looks as if I'm going to have the time to get a bit of gaming in now. DW>Tommo