Corbs, ive got a piece of ally here to fit where the CD player/heater controls were, but ive not got any switches to mount on it yet!
As for the demister, ive got a fan heater off ebay, was a tenner, but its not the best in the world, ill just leave a sponge in the car to wipe the window with! Nice and light lol!
NNissan.....where have you been?? I thought everyman and his dog were aware of the 'power source' to guide my lightweight missile?!
Elliot...i would mate, as it would spread the travelling over two days, but im working on the saturday til 4:30pm. So even if i were to leave then, i wouldnt ge 'oop north' til gone 11pm, if i didnt fall asleep on the way lol!
Ill see about accomodation for the saturday night just incase i feel like it!