It was 36.7p per litre in 1983 according to so it shouldn't have been 22p a year earlier.It was less than 22p when I started driving
I tried this the other week, it was the most boring week of driving i've ever done, but it got me 32mpg.Driving at 60 as opposed to 80 makes a massive difference to consumption. It just requires a huge amount of patience, and I've never really been able to achieve it for a full tank except when driving in a foreign country where speed cameras aren't easily visible and police hide in bushes with speedtraps and suburus )
Does that mean that for you, nowhere will be getting cheaper, or everywhere will drop their prices?
it means if one petrol station drops there price within a set radius of asda or tesco they drop there price to match it.
except shell... thats consistently dearer than everywhere else
111.9 at Morrisons in Livingston for normal unleaded.
I nearly exploded with excitement...
Read the post above mine. That's the mpg for the figures he gave which is a GTi I assume from the avatar.50.6 mpg from a Xantia? Is that an HDI, or the old school 1.9 TD? Either way, that's one hell of a good average! 119.9 is pretty cheap for diesel too, it's upto like 129 here now...