nice one mate, glad i could help you out with the uni-chip! Got the same cam's and gear's as me
Did you get them from ?
By the way if you were hoping dastek would install ur gear's....i highly much dowt they will lol! Michael said he hated doing them as they are proper cam gear's not the slider bolt type, mean's you gotta take off the VC everytime you want to adjust it on the dyno
They probably will, if you ask them
VERY nicely lol! They are alot more accurate and safer than the slider type thou!
When installing the gear's you should also replace the valve cover and the spark plug o-ring's, and you need special sealer for the timing case from nissan, which they call "liquid gold" because it cost's 45quid a tube lol.- I've got lot's of it in the house so gimme a shout mate when you need some
There is only a few minor diferences between that unichip and the new style which i have, i payed ALOT more for mine thou, you got a baragin
(main diference is the design on it lol!)
glad it arrvived ok for you mate, always trying to help you know me
thank's for the quick sale also mate, managed to get in on the FMIC group buy on the GTiROC with the help of that
- many thanks