BeardedViper N16

Same as my plans then I just didn't want to go custom then custom again

Fingers crossed it sounds good then :P

Also for the love of god change the blue to the chrome lol
Yeah I know what you mean :)

Btw just waiting for balance to clear and then I'll be sending payment your way mate! :)

And was so 2010 ;)
Meant to say that actually. I do like the silver splitter. Does look rather tasty mate :) You shold do what I said about the grilles though and maybe the badge though that maybe a bit much?

Mine's so chrome you can't even tell it's there haha though I've gotta change my sidelights yet again as they're so white they look blue and MOT time soon :(

Then HID's :p
Cheers man :)

Didn't take long to spray and fit at all...and I've done a 130 mile round trip today and it is solid. I have got like 12 screws holding it on though haha

Do you want me to link you to the HID's I have mate? They're a steal!
Ypu've already done it lol. I need 2 sets though I think and might work some JDM style into my fogs too :P
At Japfest I picked up a centre console of Ed (Cheers again!!) so decided to fit it so I didnt have a broken lid.

I pulled my old one out (After 20 mins of fumbling because I couldnt work out why it would lift out - There is another screw!!! I'm an idiot -.- ) and the amount of sheer CRAP that had fell down there was ridiculous:


Both of the centre consoles together (New one on the left):


The new one fitted although it looks NO different but it's the principal behind it :)


Exhaust fitted soon ;)
At Japfest I picked up a centre console of Ed (Cheers again!!) so decided to fit it so I didnt have a broken lid.

I pulled my old one out (After 20 mins of fumbling because I couldnt work out why it would lift out - There is another screw!!! I'm an idiot -.- ) and the amount of sheer CRAP that had fell down there was ridiculous:


That's disgusting Bonny lad !!!!! Lol !
Lol they do get like that. My grey one had loads of dust and crumbs and out side debris. The black one had half a dog under there :-D

A big thankyou to Paul (Pred1012) for going scrapyard diving for me a coming up trumps with a new drivers foglight!

It has been driving me crazy since I bought the car I hate broken glass! The old and new:


Fitted to the car:


Also Andy bought me a new sticker for the car...looks good IMO:


4 days until exhaust! :D
Only 2 days until I get the exhaust fitted now. Booked in for 8.30 am on friday :D

Decided to polish it up and get it looking decent. The standard exit is 1.175 inches and the new exit is 2 inches. Not much different but I'm hoping after one of the silencers is removed it'll be enough grunt:


Seriously can not wait and if I add the exhaust, lowering springs + non-standard air filter to my insurance they only want £105 so I can stay road legal with it all too :D
Ahhh thank god for that! When I took it to the garage he suggested removing one of the centre boxes as he thought it wouldn't be very loud with the box alone. Even though the two centre silencers don't look the same as the ones currently on my car he said they're probably just generic standard ones.

I'm hoping for it to want to rev more freely. I have a panel pipercross filter in at present but I'm going more performance within the next two weeks hopefully!

Thanks for your comment mate :)
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