A trip to the scrap yard today...well a trip to four different scrap yards and it turned out the scrap yard that is 5 mins away had 9 almeras in! (5 n15's phase 1 & phase2 and 3 N16's phase 1). Got to work with GldnAndy and started stripping out some parts. He found his blanking plate and two switch blanks and also the number plate plastic strip for FF.
I managed to find quite a bit for my N16. Picked up the clear side repeaters that I have been wanting for ages and at a steal of a price. To buy them on ebay I was looking at £17...I got them for £2
I also got an immaculate over flow tank and also a great cond washer bottle which will both fit in to my engine bay nicely when it is all cleaned up! I also got a new cup holder cause mine isn't springy enough for my liking
finished off with a hazards switch, a few good condition caps (brake fluid etc..) and a shed load of fuses.
The total for ALL of our parts came to £19
Seen as there are a few Almeras i nthe scrap yard near us if you need any parts let me know and I'll try source them for you? Can give them at Japfest if needed. Will be heading back the scrappy on Monday so let me know what y'all need
Anyway I sprayed up the four way hazards switch and fitting some new indicator bulbs. Pictures follow, N16 parts on the left and N15 parts on the right
My clear side repeaters:
The old hazards next to the new one:
New indicator bulb:
All in all a very productive day with GldnAndy and I'd like to add....my Almera is running really well for the first time since I bought her!