Time to get this thread back upto date:
Ok so July was meant to be crunch month for getting the N16 finished and making a start on GTT. Well that hasn't exactly gone to plan but finally we have got back on track and the engine swap and roof chop are well underway.
As I have never undertaken such extensive work before on my own I guess that was part of the reason for the delay as I had built it up into being such a major job and kept putting it off while doing other less important jobs.
So last week I managed to get some time off work and decided it was make or break time so with the help of the P11 engine how to written by Ant-Dat and one written by Phil (HappyHarrySco) I took to getting the engine out of my N16 so we could start to prep the engine bay ready for the new lump. As I went along the more I took out the less daunting the whole process became.
Here are some of the images taken of what is out so far all that is left to do is remove the exhaust and manifold and the fuel lines and then drop the subframe and lift the shell up and away from the lump.
While the coolant dried on the floor I decided to remove all of the interior ready for the roof to be cut off as we didn't want any burn marks to the interior when the welding begins. This gave me the ideal chance to check out the condition of the floor and address the few areas of surface rust that were present. I also decided to install some sound deadening to the panels on the floor and the cavities filled with stone guarding to retard any future tin rot.
That's all for now as the dirtier I got the less inclined I was to keep taking pictures, this process was followed on the donor car and the search for an air con condenser as the one on the donor car was shot to pieces. All in all the pace has picked up and hopefully the old girl will get back on the road within the next week or so.