Craigs New Datsun Sunny

it is, i'm knida gutted. If i was stayin it'd be a completely different build, kelford cams, custom IM, stroked maybe, i've considered most of these even thuogh i'm goin lol, oh if i was stayin itd be sooo much fun :wacko:

then again, already an idea or 2 for bigger, better things when i'm home
originally south korea teaching english as a foreign language, but the north tried to start world war3 so i waited a bit

maybe japan instead, send some tyteee parts home
that is the question, i'm torn atm.

part of me wants to store it, but i dunno how long i might be and have a feeling when i return i'll either not give a shit and buy a passat. Or, i'll wanna do a full on mega build like i wanted to with this but held back due to the aforementioned south korean shiz, and put it in a different shell, s15 maybe

wanna buy it? :stuart:
Dont be a fucking knob. Stick it on the driveway, get the wheels and suspension off. Not like your parents are going to have it scrapped if it's not in the way.
it'd rust :( need to be somewhere inside, could be done.

its more that i think i'll be away too long and not want it when i come so may as well sell it before i go
I'd buy it. Coming into some monies after xmas.

hmm, very interesting

next question would be how much, i ain;t got a clue. couple of ppl have mentioned figures similar to what wezzlys went for, dunno.

i wanna finish it fully with oil cooler, gauges hooked up, cams switchin independantly and use it properly for a bit though, but like i say, very interesting mr. simmo
like we talked about Il look after it if you do decide whilst your away you want to sell it then I will deal with everything sale wise ;)
yeh i think i got that covered mate, only trouble with you having it is i aint around to do anything to it for you if it needs it :001_icon16:
yeh i think i got that covered mate, only trouble with you having it is i aint around to do anything to it for you if it needs it :001_icon16:

Thats fine mate. I'll just keep in contact with Wezz. I mean Super Dan. Shit, i mean Wezz. Wait, what? Ah fuck it. Joe will do.
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