Well, been tinkerin and tidying up the new engine and a few minor things that weren't quite finished....
the dodgy idle thing i was on about was thanks to my mates mishap, he snapped a few cam cover bolts and presumably air was getting in and messin that up, still one needs drilling and heli-coiling cos i messed it up :O :wall:
whirrin noise is power steering belt i think, tried to get at it today to loosen it, but it's a reet bast4rd!
nismo fpr fitted now
Note the expertly mounted gauge with cable ties on the strut brace!
:lol: will sort that another day
Also, JWT cams went in yesterday, today i set up tps voltage, ignition timing, and fuel pressure correctly, and woop! SHE FLIES now!!!!! lovin it, pulls real good n strong.
here's the new engine, could do with a proper clean, but lookin ok.
Car will be gettin a decent clean and some exterior pics taken tomorrow, to celebrate the beginning of a new dawn!
Fingers crossed for engine no4, this one'll last!
Only other minor issue is my speedo's not workin, jumps up n down a bit, or stays at 0, tried a speed sensor out old gearbox, to no avail, any ideas?