I cant remember exactly the numbers that Dave was given by Catcams on the phone but I think they were 110 degrees at a given value of lift. Like I said earlier I dont fully understand what the degree value relates too and what lift value was taken, ie. peak lift?
As Dave said I think, intake cam was 16 degrees different to Catcam value and 6 degrees on exhaust cam, so the timing for each cam must have been 110 +/- 16 degrees on intake and 110 +/- 6 degrees. (I've put the +/- in because I dont know which direction the cams were off the Catcam setting. That should make it a bit clearer!
Dave, as is made clear on Catcams site they are drop in regarding working fine on standard valve springs, as Dale did say in one of your threads a few weeks ago. On their older site, with the yellow background it says clearly something along the lines of adjustable fuel management or tuning system required for optimum setting or something.