My Mera


Thanks. Yeah im not too sure if to do it myself or not. I want to get it all cut out and sorted so I don't have to worry about it again
Worrying about rust is good....means you keep on top if it, a bit like having lsd and thinking someone is talking about you.:D
I am so tempted to delete the cooling pipe but when i put me hand on the cooling pipe it was hot-ish and just after a drive!
Certainly not giving it the bean's either.
Are they bc coilover's? and your brave not protecting the thread's with tape.
My bc's collar's were seized even greased up beforehand although i blame the previous owner for that lol

Edit--looking good by the way, good work! i like it.:)
Yeah there bc's. I always use copper grease on them and never had a issue luckily apart from they need new top mounts already. I say already probably 25thousand miles on them
I was unlucky i guess.... if i knew you could buy collar's, i would have cut them off and apparently alloy and steel bind and sieze over time.
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