My new vzr n1 version 2

5200 and 5600 is what there sat at, He has the limit set to 10k (9950 rsm indicated) that's what it seems to rev to anyway I see on the nistune the limit is set to 9 as far as I can remember but it revs beyond that , I wound it up that far once or twice before but no point there isn't any power up there ya can feel at about 7.5 its time to change.
Here we got a pic of my son next to the car with a little modification...

Dont worry advan stickers will be going just didn't get the chance yet

Fact man, I told the signwriter if I seen another set i'd be out to cut his balls off ha ha. They all look the same so I hope someone wouldn't be that big of a dick to copy them, doubt they would. I literally can't think of anymore I'd like on the outside to change the car.
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I'm going getting my momo wheel refurbished and the stitching changed to orange so bought a steering wheel for the time being

Nismo 330F same as pictured will get more when fitted.


Also thanks to POC got myself some genuine nismo floor mats, never seen a set before in my life prob never will again. I originally thought they were for an s14 or something but no perfectly the same as my own nissan set.






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