ive never really looked closely at the graph, but i realised tonight how much the power is still climbing at the rev limiter. i reckon it would make 220bhp if it was higher

Plenty more power there mate.

Are you running stock VE valve springs? what the 20VE redline...7500?...i know the 16VE is 8000.
Think it's as low as 7200rpm, not recommended past 7800 on stock valvetrain. 16VE's seem to be ok upto 8500-9000rpm with stock valvetrain. It's when people change to N1's they have problems with stock heads.
with stock cams they say not to go past 8k, there is no need though as stock cams peak at 7200, however with 16VE cams with stock valvetrain is good up to 8500 as the ramp angle on the 16VE cams is bigger so there is less stress being put on the springs, and even better with N1 cams as the ramp angle on them is bigger still. im going to be getting N1's and leaving the stock springs, but i will only be revving to 8k, the yanks think its going to be beneficial to rev it to 9k when there really is no point

mick, i have a unichip Q and the rev limit can be altered so when i get the N1's its going back in for it upping to 8k and a remap
the 20vL/N1H cams are a long way off development the main guy is still waiting for the 20v cams and then they need degreeing reading and the cam profiles agreeing with BC..

for the cost and the fact this car makes good tourque anyway id just get the N1's and make the power up top.. the car shifts as it is lol :D
yeh cant be arsed waiting for the 20V/N1's

no worries steven, i'll be coming back up when i get the cams fitted so hopefully will meet you and chris then? :)
WELL....i love tinkering :cool:

i havent even had this engine up and running right for a month yet and iv already came up with another plan

my other VE engine consists of SR20VE head, SR16 block with all internals except rods and pistons. so the plan is, get N1 cams for the engine thats in it now, then build my other VE back up as an SR16 with some crower rods, lower comp pistons (dont know which yet) stage 1 GTiR T28 hybrid, GTiR manifold which i still have (port matched), other bits and bobs and my rev limit upping to around 9k because this bitch is going to want to rev :eek: low boost SR16VE-T at around 12psi ish = 300whp ish :D

so the first part of the process got bought today...forge intercooler pipe run off one of the GTiR guys, next after this is getting the block and head dipped so they are like new and crack on :cool:

basically dude, ive realised that im not going to get the GTiR running how i originally wanted it to with my job change and not being on as much money. so the R is getting stripped and what ever money i get for the parts will go towards the VE-T build, its not very often someone would go for an almera GTi over a GTiR but i love driving the almera more than i loved driving the R and the biggest reason that makes me want to build a special almera is this god damn club, i fucking love you lot...ALC :D WOOT
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