that sucks mansri_alan said:Yeah it was done to some guys N16, Stone something? Anyway he put it up for sale, on ebay. Met a guy to test drive it, the guy drove off and the thing was never seen again!
Yeah, I know that one, stone2loud. I was being a bit more 'in depth' with my transplant. Hopefully all the power will at least reach the wheels before torque steering me into a bush, lol. Lot's of work going into the gearbox, lsd, shafts and that (dave bull knows what i mean, i'm sure!)sri_alan said:Yeah it was done to some guys N16, Stone something?
Lol, cheers mate. Remember we're not there yet. Clock starts ticking again in the new year. We'll be done for Japfest! (funny, original deadline was Japfest '05!)Damo-Sri said:Thank fuck the ball is rolling. Maximum respect for sticking with it. Make it a sleeper mate. 100% stealth. Make people think it died and you bought a standard one.?
Lol, dunno yet chap! Nah, one engine mount needs fabricating I think, other than that it's pretty straightforward. You'll know as soon as I do mate.Darren198712 said:just wondering what needed modding to drop the SR20DET into it ?
he sold them lights ages ago lolNot quite a GTR said:loose them lexus light they r propper chav mobile shit.
part from that tidy motor and good luck with the project dude
that`ll teach me for just skimmin through and not readin everythin lolDarren198712 said:he sold them lights ages ago lol
Darren198712 said:spray the intercooler black