Sams VZ-R N1

Car is more together now, I have got all the interior back in, fitted the recaro's back just now, and have played with the gearstick position.

Ive sold the HKS FCON ecu now as I am taking a different simpler direction, its replacement should be with me soon :)

Have had a few things made recently one being a new exhaust, that required trailering the car to Kent :p


A nice 6am start


and 2 weeks later back to collect it, had a fun trip.



got the car back and removed the back box, it went from this


to this


nice and stealthy :) refitted earlier, have had a nice big centre silencer put in to keep it civilized, has a real nice tone to it, looking forward to opening the car up a bit giving it some use. (VVL Y0)

The quality of it is OUTSTANDING, not the cheapest but Quality never is, the welds are almost robotic, cant recommend Solid Fabrication enough, he listened to all my requests and the result is a masterpiece :)

Hoping to have it MOT'd next week and on the road by the weekend so I can give it a bit of a shake down, make sure everything Ive done works how it should, this will consist of a trip to Wheels In Motion for an alignment session :)

I will be swapping the insurance from the Eunos and either selling or breaking it once thats done.
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