Sams VZ-R N1

no thats too much red then.

Today I set about sorting out the rear brakes as being stood for almost 18 months now!!! the discs were a bit rusty.

Simply whipped round them with some sand paper, put some grease around the piston seals and generally cleaned everything up.


I also replaced the S links on the Whiteline roll bar with some slightly longer drop links, they sit the bar at a more horizontal angle and have a lot less movement in them.


then as it was such a nice day gave it a wash :)



its not bad but Im going to have to go over the paint work again with the polisher.

MOT should hopefully be this week now, Im going to look at getting the brake bled through with a compressed air system as I simply cannot get the Wilwoods to bleed properly it seems, dont have much confidence in them initially, will have to let them bed in though.
looking sweet. Maybe not quite the same thing but brakes were a bit weird on my old civic; however some harsh braking seemed to sort them out; might be worth trying some hard stops on a road with no traffic about to see if it sorts out your air problem
With the engine off the initial press of the pedal has quite a bit of travel, 2 or 3 pumps and its solid right at the top.

Start the engine and you can bounce the pedal off the floor of the car, but whilst moving the brakes will stop the car, and very well I might add.

The FTO's on the Autech were the same but no where near as bad as these feel.
Having spoken with Greengti who has said about a similar noise, we are putting it down to the subframe collars transmiting more NVH. To be expected really, with everything polybushed also.
NVH can manifest in funny ways. I kept hearing a bearing noise on my old Si on the way home from work. Realised by the end of the week that is was only that stretch of road where it made the noise.
Good shout with the subframe collars. Makes sense.
well well well well well well and i thought you weren't hungry. unorthodox but fair play for trying something fresh.

knew something strange was going down from the dp, very 20v

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