Seebeebee's P1 N16

Haha, I love how different those two comments are.

Wing mirrors colour coding- considered but not on the top of my list of things to do. I sort of like them not standing out too much against the glass. It may be something I look at though.

Supercharging - in a word, no. I'd never considered it, partly because I expect it would be ludicrously expensive, and partly because I've only been driving for 8 months (I picked my Almera up the day I passed my test). If I was to declare it to my insurance, I doubt they would be very happy, and I suspect they would want to charge me a fair bit more than I'm currently paying (which is already a crazy high figure of the car!). Plus it goes back to the theory of not wanting to spend bucket loads on my first car, when the money could be put to better use buying something a bit nicer a couple of years down the line.
Don't get me wrong, I'm sure it would be a lot of fun, but just not practical. Unfortunately.
My first was a 1.5 p1 N16 too, and I resisted doing anything at all to it. It helped that I wasn't into car/modifying back then. I can blame the AOC and by extension the Internet for what I've become now :p
2.3 in white with a brown vinyl roof.

Wish I still had it.

Swapped it for a Sapporo Turbo, getting rid of that was the worst mistake I have ever made, i'd kill for a chance to get another.
Things have been pretty slow with my car of late thanks to a lack of free time and money. Also had to do a few basic repair bits for my upcoming MOT like changing the rear discs and having all 4 tyres replaced.

Last weekend I went to Brooklands with a couple of friends and ended up doing a small photoshoot on the historic banked track (the world's first purpose-built race track)...


Then that evening we took the camera to experiment with a bit of light painting. Was pretty pleased with the result...



I still have a few plans for things I want to change or improve on the car, and dependant on my MOT tomorrow, I may take it up to JAE for a day (obviously not on the stand). Fingers crossed, I'll see a few of you there!
Cheers guys.

How did you get onto Brooklands there?

Essentially, we just asked nicely! As we were going as a small group, I asked beforehand if we would be able to get onto their section of banked track for a couple of photos. Surprisingly, they were fine with it. Really cool place too, definitely worth a visit if you're interested in automotive and aeronautical history.
Yeah have been there a few times actually to visit the museum and see the track (what's left of it). Never thought they would be so accommodating to take pictures though!
They did charge £10 per car for access, and it was dependant on weather as the track gets really slippy in the rain, but I was pretty impressed with how happy they were to have us on there. If people are interested in doing something similar with the AOC, I've got contact details for the relevant people. Maybe next year sometime?
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All is not well with my 'mera.

In preparation for my MOT at the start of the month, I replaced a faulty headlight, fitted new rear brake discs and pads, and had a new full set of tyres. Despite this, it failed on 7 points with an additional dangerous advisory.

Luckily, the failures were relatively easy fixes, with the hardest probably being a brake efficiency issue (caliper pin was sticking) and a front track rod end needing to be replaced...


Not the end of the world. The problem is the advisory, and I quote...

"Near side and off side rear chieses legs heavely corrioded **DANGEROUS**"

That is the actual spelling used. Here's what they're talking about.


So the general message is that it's condemned, and it won't make it through another MOT. It seems then, that the blue 5 door is destined for the scrapyard within the next 12 months. It's not as though I'll be able to sell it with "**DANGEROUS**" on the MOT certificate. With that in mind, any and all motivation I have for the car has pretty much gone, and I'm having to consider it's replacement. Any suggestions (remember, i'm still in my first year of driving!)? That is of course unless anyone thinks it's repairable, but having seeked a second opinion, they seemed to agree with the MOT centre.
Take a picture a bit further away so i can see where abouts this is exactly.
Yeah, it was a pretty shoddy photo as I couldn't use the flash. This one is a bit better, underneath the offside with my phone next to the back box...


Nearside is not as bad thanks to the fuel lines covering a lot of the exposed chassis.
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