mark mark mark feel sorry for you bud, just had a quick read through,
not sounding good,
im guessing you now have the Q uni chip now,?
also i think i no whats happened,
when i got my turbo mapped and dyno'd at GT ART, it wouldnt run like you said 'on full throttle, and a bit shit generally,
they entered the correct injectors details into the uni chip Q,
they asked me what the correct cc was of the origonal injector,
(remember i acually rang you when i was mapping it)
they needed the standard cc size so theyy could change it to the 440 ,
he tried 230/250 like we thought but he entered 330 i think then upped it to the new 440 size,
then weh hey 280 @ 0.6 bar
quiz them on that
or call gary at GT ART as his done a turbo almera (mine) with a very close setup and see if he can give you some advise,
he is very knowledgeable,
stu X