Right been driving the track car quite a bit over the last few weeks, and its feeling really nice, planted and direct.
Its has 157.3bhp and 136lbft,
But the power pulls super smooth right up to 7000rpm.
Ive put it away for the time being, on the hunt for a good quality car cover atm.
Ive already got lots of stuff to go on it when i comes bk out,
Full set of new toyo r888
new wishbones
Poly wishbone bushes
New poly arb droplink bushes
Rose jointed track rod ends
New yellow stuff pads
Full 5 piece set of lexan polycarb windows
Oddysey battery
strip out excess wiring
Fit lightweight crank and water pump pullys
Goodridge brake lines
Lightweight flywheel
New unsprung clutch kit
Quaife atb lsd
and all that will be in boxes at the end of my bed lol, apart from the windows as ive gotta take my car to them to fit them,
Next year is gonna be a epic one!!!