Looking forward to Banzai mate, this just get more epic day by day.
Just a noob question, though, is there a point where it's detrimental to have too much downforce when working only in a straight line? I'm assuming there is (based on 'o' grade physics and trying to use to toy cars as roller-skates as a kid) but also assume that it's not an issue at the speeds we're talking about (based on F1s constant quest for downforce). Really just wondering if at your level aerodynamics will become a more significant factor. I read somewhere that N16s have the same aerodynamic coefficient as 911s (very prepared to believe that's bollocks, though). You know if anyone has put an N15 in an air-tunnel? What can you do (are planning to do) to to improve this (you're obviously thinking about it if venting your rear bumper).