So another brief update I managed to wire up some of my boot lighting for around the sub-woofer. The plan was to have a subtle LED light that would illuminate while the amp was powered on. This was achieved by tapping into the remote wiring within the amp and using the earth for the amp. This all went smoothly after I initially had wired them up to the constant power and had the light on all the time.
Here are the strip lights that I found on ebay they can be used for LED strip lights so not exactly subtle.
The finished article with the wiring discreetly fed through the carpet and under the amp
So much for subtle boot lighting
Maybe I'd have been better using these for additional sidelights?
So once the sub was back in the car the heavens opened so I decided to call it a day and take some images of my new suspension
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Here are the strip lights that I found on ebay they can be used for LED strip lights so not exactly subtle.
The finished article with the wiring discreetly fed through the carpet and under the amp
So much for subtle boot lighting
Maybe I'd have been better using these for additional sidelights?
So once the sub was back in the car the heavens opened so I decided to call it a day and take some images of my new suspension
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