Minor exhaust update and a few more bits get fitted to the motor, gotta love a bit of time off to sort the stockpile of parts and fitting some of them.
So back to my pals at InCarSolutions to get my Magnaflow 200 cell catalytic converter fitted we butchered the de-cat pipe to ensure an easy fit, excuse the lack of before and after pictures camera phone started playing up so had to borrow me pals phone to grab these.
Poly shifter bushes went in also after having to loosen the rear gearbox mount for access
B&M short-shifter was also fitted with some minor opening up of the bolt holes that secure it to the shift mech.
Old OEM with the bit I had chopped off a while back
New one ready to go in
Old gear gaiter and Nismo one that came with the short shifter
Mark welding and making sure everything fit snugly
I decided against fitting the Nismo or the old tatty gaiter and plumbed in a new one I had found on ebay that I'd had in the stockpile. I'll grab some pics of the finished article when I get a chance I was too keen to get it all back together and take it for a test drive.
The initial conclusion is the car is a much better drive with the increased back pressure provided by having the cat fitted. The short-shifter is a dream to drive with and proves me right to bother fitting one to both cars now and the new bushes only make the whole affair a pleasure to drive. Just need to sort a few more bits out regarding the audio but I'll throw up some updates once I get my arse in gear.
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