i reckon they might be 16ves in yours. and if so it shows some consistency with dmsteves results, 20ve with 16ve cams - 180bhp. then you have wezz's however who with the same set up, albeit, freshly rebuilt bottom end, 211bhp. Hmmmmm, dyno inconsistencies? freshly rebuilt engine? breathing mods?
what exhaust you got stig?
Mine is 204 @ fly, Also on a Dynamics. What was your WHP? It should give you both.
Yeah but Stevens 1/4mile times kind of backed up the low power figures.
Someone needs to hav there's dyno'ed on a dastek dyno cos mine has been dyno'ed on one in Scotland and the north east and gave similer results, and my 1/4mile times back up the power if not alittle slow. Shore steven said he was gonna have it dyno'ed at a dastek rollers at some point
then we took a nice drive to Surrey Rolling Road so Jez could work his magic.
She has economy and enough power to make her smile.
dastek use dyno dynamics.
and that one in scotland has been binned now cause it was shit lol
my GA was dynod on a DD and it pulled exactly what it should have... so stop making excuses CRAIG!
precisely, that just don't ring true all these ve's dyno'd on a dynamics all comin up like 20+hp less than you'd expect
yeah but what are you comparing too...... US figures?? which are known to read high anyway..... I would say everyones figures are about right.. for a 20ve and 16ve cams 180 is fine. noone here knows any different so why dont people just accept them..