Friday night was not a good night!!! coming back home from the other side of London, thought we'd come back through the city, where you go through some tunnels etc, to have a more fun drive back home, instead of a quiet one via the m25..
Car seemed to be driving great, until the last tunnel we hit, came out of that, and started hearing an odd, noise from front of the car.
stopped over straight away, and engine stopped itself as I came to a stop..
didn't even look to restart it without checking stuff..first was the obvious look around the engine bay for anything obvious, and nothing seen, which has to be a good sign...
checked oil level, and not a drop in there!!! no sign of any milkyness or anything, just plain lack of oil..
now last oil change was done first week in December, and since then I'd be luck if I've driven more then 60-70 miles, until Friday night. so can't see how oil would burn off in such a short space of time..
called Breakdown guys as was no way gonna even drive this home...and as usual they don't listen, even though told em it ain't going anywhere, still send down roadside assistance, who get there over an hour later, guy takes one look at oil level and comes to same conclusion as me...say sorry recovery only...muppets!!! then 3 hours later recovery turns up, (5.26am to be exact) fortunately came in a full demountable so getting the car on and off was not much hassle, without wrecking front bumper.
anyway couldn't check anything yesterday was too knackered, and got up at 2pm after going to bed at 7
so plan of attack was :
check what error message was up due to check engine light...
check under car for any sign of oil leaks
remove plugs and check for any oil in there
remove valve cover for any thing there
manually turn engine
if above was good, then remove plug leads and fuel pump fuse and crank
if that good then try proper start...
as expected check engine light error was waste of time, just the usual Knock sensor error which I got on this anyway
no signs of oil leaks under the car
no signs of oil after removing plugs
chain good, no sign of any damage to cams etc.
and then we hit a problem, cannot manually turn the engine, stuck solid...
so what's thoughts guys, put another N1 to rest, break it etc, rebuild it? as it looks like the bottom end gone
get another N1 engine? if anyone has one?
or what's the option with having to rebuild with SR20 bottom end?
any thoughts ideas would be cool, and if anyone knows anyone selling bits that could help with this..