Raceworx P2 GTi

it comes with the boards you buy a licence to use it.. software looks good very intuitive.. just need to fit the boards without fucking my ecu up
what kind of money is the licence? can you buy it on it's own as i can't use a nistune daughterboard with the ve ecu as you know, so i'm going with the yahoo daughterboard but i'll need a base map and the nistune software to put the base map onto the yahoo board and tune it
the license is £150 i think.. carnt remember of the top of my head.

but big setback.

checking my board against the instruciton specs i was abit unsure if it was the correct one so i e-mailed matt at nistune. turns out it isnt mines for an SR20DET and theres a swedish S14a owner sat with an N15 nistune chip set.. so im having to wait for another one to turn up then mail this one back..

another week of no car :(
Damm not good sorry to hear that.
Who will full the liability?
Was it sent insured post?
Was it sent UK or abroad?
Were pictures taken before and during packaging buy sender?
Had issues with my engine being sent from states, bloody nightmare.

Hope you get this sorted.
baught them from Greg at Gspec.. inlet cam has been snapped.. must have been in the post as they have been sat in my bedroom for the last 2 weeks i didnt open them as i thought no need the boxes looked alright


also they look used :-



so not best pleased going to e-mail greg and se what he says iv got a feeling it will be a big fuck off tablet though..

but i managed to get a couple of bits done fitted the gti distributer and a new towing loop



i took the newman coppied exhaust cam out and meassure it next to the unbroken genuine N1 cam and they look identical identical lift and duration so my 20bhp loss must be elsewhere.. most likely in the mapping but we shall see..

fucking angry now.. £450 down the drain!!
not good to hear at all mate, would have thought peeps who send out cams would know by now to stick em in a good well packaged box...

hope Greg sorts ya out.
Bad news dude, quite worried about insurance cover on these cams due to no damage reported in over 2 weeks since delivery :pinch:

Mm Nismo splitter :drool:
i know exactly how you feel dude, what is it with silver GTi's with VE powahs and snapping N1 cams in the post from america!!
i got that tablet you mentioned matey, sent him a PM with pictures and how shit his packaging was, no reply surprise surprise, so yeh i was the same, £400 odd nicker out of pocket
If this has happened before and he doesn't play ball with a refund you can go after him for negligence surely?

And with shit service like not even replying to the email why do people still reccomend gspec? It's not how they deal with the deliveries that go well, you measure them against how they deal with the fookups

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