you fool just think how much more monies you would have to spend on her
Thats not half as bad as I thought it was but you know they'll write it off due to the wheel well getting bashed in, best of luck with it, looks 100% salvagable
Doesn't look to bad a wack compared to mine to be fair, you still have you rear windscreen :ninja:
Couple hours pannel beating to fix the boot, & bumper respray/fibreglassed
If your cars being written off and the value of the car paid out less salvage under cat C and your gona repair it
Think you will probably end up better off ££ wise, and that's before you seek legal advice re your personal injuries etc..
Panic over :donatello:
He's victim 100% here, its his pride and Joy.. but meh if he wants to make his little stand.. when the whole world doesn't give a shit
Hahh, havent seen any pictures of the damage sustained to yours though! your thread is kinda scarce