Sams VZ-R N1

I'm Jelly of the cars, the space and the time you have to put all this effort in. And yeah i'd love an N1 as my daily. Maybe i should just save up and stop being jealous.... nah.

Anyway, good work Samual, i'll buy this one off you when you're done. I.E when you finally get that civic you want.
I'm Jelly of the cars, the space and the time you have to put all this effort in. And yeah i'd love an N1 as my daily. Maybe i should just save up and stop being jealous.... nah.

Anyway, good work Samual, i'll buy this one off you when you're done. I.E when you finally get that civic you want.


Ive only been off this week due to a fuck up with an agency in sending a reference for my new job, delaying my start date :( so Ive lost money subsequently, I hass pulled my finger out and hit loads of jobs, Ive also spent a fair wack this week :p the garages Im lucky enough to be able to borrow they arent mine sadly.

sam what length where the pipes u used for your oil cooler and where did u get them from

no idea, came as a kit.

I still have a few things to do, the ABS light is on as the shaft Ive fitted doesnt have an ABS ring on it so I need to swap that over, also need to get to the bottom of a clunk Im experiencing when braking, its gradually getting louder and sounds more serious :(
annnnnd Ive apparently split a CV boot during the work so that now needs rectifying....
Few pics of the paint for Ian RaceJerx Im not lying when I say its a state!





The current bay


and a dog

There is always problems isn't there, a few thing's I have to address on mine after its 10k bed in over the summer... I have the old waterpump off mine, it wasn't making any noise when I removed it if you want to try that? I'm near sure its still there anyway, I can send it over... Pain in the bollox to change now tho :-(
excellent, a dirty car means sam is human. result.

that dogs the real star of the show though, either he is massive or that chair is tiny. i cant decide which though.
lulz, even with a raging smurf doggy cock i still want to play with him.

by play i dont mean sexually, obviously.
hes off his tits on morphine there, ruptured a tendon in his leg, had a pin put in it through the joint, hes just had his 3rd op
oh feck me that must've stung a treat, the poor sod.

he does look awesome tho, and lazy. however it turns out he isn't lazy but nursing a drug problem now, as well as claiming dissability living allowance no doubt, for shame.
pretty sure we are over 4k with vets bills

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