Took exactly 80 days to get it back, including the day I picked it up they had to solder a receptical in the loom which kept falling out. When I arrived cylinder 3 wasn't firing and they changed the the high heat range plugs to standard ones as they were apparently too cold? One road test later and all the timings were corrected and verified ready to go.
From what I can see they've replaced the ignition module and sender and dizzy with GTiR ones and wired a complete new loom.
I don't think the install of the oil cooler took them long to do. Just ordering the Nismo thermostat, sandwich plate, end fittings and braided hoses.
As explained to Ed I got the labor for free but had to pay for the products + MOT.
Never got paid for the website but they're not using it now as they've been bought out and are now called R&R Engineering.
Just happy to have her back. Planning to have a few runs this week so will have the onboard cam on for you guys.
From what I can see they've replaced the ignition module and sender and dizzy with GTiR ones and wired a complete new loom.
I don't think the install of the oil cooler took them long to do. Just ordering the Nismo thermostat, sandwich plate, end fittings and braided hoses.
As explained to Ed I got the labor for free but had to pay for the products + MOT.
Never got paid for the website but they're not using it now as they've been bought out and are now called R&R Engineering.
Just happy to have her back. Planning to have a few runs this week so will have the onboard cam on for you guys.