AOC Moderator
Th3k3ymast3r said:and there is a fuel leak where the sensors are in the rear seat cover!!
Was told it looked like an OEM fuel pump needs uprating, but I had thought it was a Walbro uprated one? - but it isn't or at least its not behaving as such. So in sad conclusion I was advised not to bring the car over the 4000 rpm range on boost - so we set the Boost controller to off.
its leaked from there since it was first turbo'd with the bolt on kit, suprised it hasnt been fixed yet as it stunk, it meant you couldnt fill it right up, and couldnt go much below half as it needed a swirl pot and it kept starving the engine.
Also surpised at it feeling fast with only running that power, need to drive around with less music on and listen for it pinking, it was the reason for the first engine to go.
It did have a walbro paid for to be fitted and was meant to, but you never know with some tuning places you're best off pulling it out and checking it.